Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rough Week

Aside from dating odd individuals that lead me on...why am I so gullible to them? eh.
I feel sick from it all really.
I feel fat, bloated, my chest hurts and I keep getting migraines.
I feel like just writing all men off while I'm still standing...
joining a gym...
and figuring out what my goals are in life.
Questioning myself as to why 3 people in 1 week have said I'm "awesome"...
not sure why I am...
I really only have 2 friends and I question why I have them for friends.
Perhaps because they're the only ones that can tolerate me in the long run.
Dear Lord, I could use some assistance here.
Tune in tokyo

This kitty here also had an odd week...hehe.
P.S. My guppy had around 16 fry last Wednesday...her second batch of 'em since 3 months ago.

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